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Participant Agreement

Part 1 

Liability Release

You are responsible for your own safety and well being on the walk or yoga class.

1.  I acknowledge that outdoor activities in natural areas entail known and unanticipated risks that could result in injury or illness.

2.  I agree, and promise to accept responsibility for my own safety and well being during this activity.  I understand that at any time I may opt not to participate in any part of the activity.

3.  I voluntarily release, and hold harmless, Graceful Roots on this walk, and from any and all claims of liability which are in any way connected with my participation in this activity. 

4.  If I have a medical condition or health concern that I think the guide should be aware of, I will inform them prior to the walk



Part 2

Photograph and Social Media Release

With your permission, Graceful Roots may take photographs of you, and your group, on this walk or yoga class.  We would like your permission to use these photographs for promotional materials, which may include, social media, website, printed flyers or books, and videos.  We are sometimes asked by news reporting agencies to provide photos for articles they are writing about on nature connection topics.  We do this at no charge.  We promise to carefully select photographs that show you in a way that you are confident with, and will like.  If you are not comfortable with possibly being in a photograph, please select the disagree option.



To register, please take the time to fill out the information below.  Participants under 15, please have a parent or guardian complete this section.

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